

semAbsence Cloud Office

Human Resource staff, manager or small business owner spends 25% of their time processing paperwork for basic employee matter such as leave of absences[1]. That is 2 hours daily. For small businesses where the owner is also the HR manager, that is 10 hours a week that could have been spent growing the business. If you are paying someone $10 per hour to process all these, that would amount to $100 a week or $5,200 a year and we all know that $10 per hour is an unrealistic conservative estimate.

Let that sink in. You are spending $5,200 a year in direct cost not to mention that potential for business growth you are missing because you are doing paper work instead of pursing new business opportunities, new customers and thinking of ways to improve operations and processes or new products.

sem.ABSENCE is a business and human resource management platform that:

- automates the processing of planned and unplanned absences

- provides real time analytics of when each employee applied and/or took a leave of  absence, the type of absence and number of days

- generates reports and, more importantly, insights when there is increase of absenteeism that could lead to better manpower management

- gives employees themselves a chance to track and analyze their own performance through tangible and accurate data

- generates reports, real time, which means you don’t have to wait for anyone to gather data and analyze it

Absence Management

In sem.ABSENCE, every employee is given their own login and profile. They can process their own application for leave of absence and track its progress. However, the real value lies in the employees’ ability to track their own performance through a visual and accurate real-time report system.

 SEMYOU semAbsence

What many don’t realize is that unscheduled absences can cost a company $3600 per year for employees paid per hour and $2,650 per salaried employee per year. That is, in fact, a conservative estimate. Although sem.ABSENCE cannot prevent employee absences, it gives business owners and managers an accurate tool to easily compute how much loss they are generating due to absences, planned or unplanned. This will allow employers to better plan how they can recover their loss.

This tool will also help employees become more aware and concerned about their financial contribution to the company. Fact is that many employees are too indifferent towards their contribution to company revenue. Circadian Information Limited Partnership computed that for every employee that earns $58,500 annually including benefits, a company must earn $162,000 in annual revenue.

For every absence, someone else must cover for what they cannot deliver. That will, of course, equate to additional investments.

From this tool, companies can:

- Make adjustments in absences regulation
- Better allocate manpower
- Anticipate trends that can lead to better manpower planning

Illness Management

Employees get sick and no company can avoid it. What sem.ABSENCE provides is an accurate daily status of your manpower. In a single screen, you will see who are absent and for what reason. Knowing why employees are absent will allow you to anticipate the possibility of their attendance or absence the next day. This is beneficial for small businesses. With a skeletal force, every absence will immensely affect daily productivity.

On the other hand, imagine exporting perishable goods to 10 different countries. Each center of operation will have its own culture, their own legalities and their own needs. It is easy to miss large-scale planning and possible ways to make manpower allocation be more efficient. For example, one country may record a trend of increased illnesses during a certain month which could mean the change in weather is affecting employees’ health. You could then plan for more substitutes that may be trained in advance in order to ensure same quality of productivity.

If a certain center of operation reports frequent absences from a certain department, it could signal poor working conditions or low morale.

Illness Management will provide your company’s daily manpower status, regardless of the size of your operation, in a single screen.

This can lead you to:
- Anticipate and plan for absences
- Change processes to make it more flexible and accommodating to absences
- Plan new trainings and programs for substitute employees
- Re-examine general operations condition in every office


The system is set up to accommodate all demands regardless of your location, size of the company or other additional functions. You can set up sem.ABSENCE to completely accommodate your employee absences process.

semAbsence Cloud APP from SEMYOU
For example, if you are operating in 10 different countries, each country may be set up to indicate national holidays, limit in mandatory leave of absences and other factors that could help you or managers evaluate employees and daily company manpower requirements. You may add, remove or change parameters anytime and it will be reflected on all users real-time.

You can also generate reports in different visual format to make it extraction of insights easier. You will be able to view reports through a pie chart, line or bar graph. You can also view reports per employee, per office, per country or for your whole operation.

User Interface


Many platforms have claimed an intuitive interface but very few have achieved it. sem.ABSENCE has achieved the same intuitiveness that may be experienced with programs like MS Office. Aside from having a clear structure of menu, the program reads your behavior and presents options to make the rest of your experience faster.

Why is sem.ABSENCE Necessary


Majority of critical decisions are done with the backing of data. However, HR management has been left out in terms of tools and platform development because many can’t translate human behavior to data. This resulted to many missed opportunities in developing new processes or making important regulations changes.

sem.ABSENCE didn’t just successfully set up a system that would provide insights on manpower behavior but also keep it real time and ready for the unavoidable and continuous evolution of how business operates. You will get accurate real-time data on which you can base critical decisions instead of opinions or guesswork.

SEMYOU Cloud Office - sem.Absence