SEMYOU Password Go ahead. Forget your passwords.

Security is not just a feature. It's our foundation.

Free Of Charge

Get SEMYOU password for free today

The most secure password manager
for your business.


Control what everyone sees and shares, and easily delegate management roles.


sem.Password remembers everything for you, keeps it safe, and automatically signs you into your favorite sites with a single click.


Get comprehensive usage reports to see how your employees are using sem.Password at work.

The sem.PASSWORD you need to remember... With sem.Password you only ever need to memorize... one password.

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sem.Password remembers everything for you

Don't forget your passwords. Or your bank account routing number. Or the alarm code for your house. sem.PASSWORD safely keeps track of them all.

Store everything from online accounts to social security numbers. Use tags and powerful search to quickly find what you're looking for on any of your devices.

Keep your secrets close

Your data is protected behind your one Master Password, which only you know. Strong AES-256 encryption protects your sensitive information at all times.


Encrypted from End to End.

Every time you use sem.Password, your data is encrypted before a single byte ever leaves your devices. Your encryption keys are protected by your Master Password, so only you have the keys to unlock your secrets.

Trusted. Fast. Performant. Safe

sem.Password is built with modern, source libraries and industry-proven solutions. So you get lightning-fast performance, a technology stack you can trust, and top-notch reliability.

sem.Password runs on Azure Web Services, the largest and most secure infrastructure provider on the planet. Alongside great scalability and high availability, Azure also enables us to use KMS Hardware Encryption to further harden your SRP Verifier.


Enterprise-level security, compliance, and manageability

Leverage enterprise grade security, compliance, and manageability capabilities, including built-in information protection, secure guest access, multi-factor authentication, and more.

Designed for the individual Scaled for the enterprise

Get started with SEMYOU Password


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